Database Performance

Set-based processing Vs Row-based processing (Cursor / Loop)

When writing database queries in something like TSQL or PLSQL, we often have a choice of iterating over rows with a cursor to accomplish the task, or crafting a single SQL statement that does the same job all at once. Also, we have the choice of simply pulling a large set of data back into… Continue reading Set-based processing Vs Row-based processing (Cursor / Loop)

Database Performance

Database Performance for Developers

ORM Tips Parameterized queries are exactly the same as stored procedures in terms of performance and memory management. Since most ORM tools can use either stored procedures or parameterized queries, be sure you’re coding to these constructs and not hard-coding values into your T-SQL queries. Create, Read, Update, and Delete (CRUD) queries can all be generated from the ORM tool without… Continue reading Database Performance for Developers


Symmetric Encryption Vs Asymmetric Encryption

With symmetric encryption, both the sender and recipient share a key that is used to perform both encryption and decryption. Symmetric encryption involves the following steps: The sender creates a ciphertext message by encrypting the plaintext message with a symmetric encryption algorithm and a shared key. The sender sends the ciphertext message to the recipient.… Continue reading Symmetric Encryption Vs Asymmetric Encryption


x509 Certificate – Asymmetric encryption and Digital Signatures

The X.509 specification defines a standard for managing public keys through a Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Public keys are maintained in X.509 certificates, which are digital documents that bind a subject’s identity claims to a public key from a public/private asymmetric key pair. Identity claims are usually understandable by humans, such as a person’s full… Continue reading x509 Certificate – Asymmetric encryption and Digital Signatures

Web Services Security

Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates

Web services often need to be able to authenticate their callers (other applications). One authentication technique is to require callers of the Web service to present a client certificate. There are two common situations where client certificates are used: An ASP.NET Web application calls a Web service that uses certificate authentication. An application running under… Continue reading Call a Web Service Using Client Certificates

Reporting System

SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Part 1

Overview SQL Server Reporting Services 2008 (SSRS) is a feature included in the SQL Server 2008 product.  We use SSRS to design, develop, test, and deploy reports.  SSRS leverages the Business Intelligence Development Studio (BIDS) developer tool for all aspects of authoring and deploying reports.  BIDS is included with SQL Server 2008. In this tutorial… Continue reading SQL Server Reporting Services (SSRS) – Part 1

Agile Software Development Methodology

Two week sprints; twelve month releases

“We do two week sprints here,” said Daniel. “Each fortnight we pick the items from the backlog that we’re going to do, and we do them. At the end of the fortnight, we demo it to Michael, and do a retrospective. The project has been going for about 8 months.” “Who is Michael?” I asked.… Continue reading Two week sprints; twelve month releases